Studio Pure Form Architecture
Studio Pure Form Architecture
Studio Pure Form Architecture
Studio Pure Form Architecture

By listening at a frequency that goes beyond “wants and needs,” Pure Form weaves the interconnectedness between the land, the person and outward, measuring success by what and how you feel, experience, and accomplish within your form.

Studio Pure Form Architecture

We have worked with many architects over the years and have found that Lisa has been a breath of fresh air to work with. She is honest, conscience and a delightful person. The quality of her work product is outstanding and we would definitely use her again and recommend her to anyone looking for a world class architect.

— Owner

Studio Pure Form Architecture
Studio Pure Form Architecture
Studio Pure Form Architecture

Designing timeless, deeply personal spaces

Pure Form works to transcend form and function through connectivity and alignment.

View Our Portfolio

Studio Pure Form Architecture
Studio Pure Form Architecture
Studio Pure Form Architecture

our approach/how we work

There is an emerging movement to experience life in a deeper and more meaningful and connected way. We are advancing our design and architectural practice from this same holistic mindset. It’s been said that “form follows function.” Our approach and process — which we continue to refine through development and research — offers a depth and breadth that allows form to emerge from relationship.

See How We Work

Studio Pure Form Architecture
Studio Pure Form Architecture
Studio Pure Form Architecture

Making deeper connections & putting our experience into practice

Lisa Stidd and her team started Pure Form so that clients — through the experience of inhabiting a form pure to their way of being, in the environment they have chosen — may live and/or work in an optimum “zone.”

Meet Lisa and Her Associates

Studio Pure Form Architecture
Studio Pure Form Architecture
Ashland OR Residential Architecture

Your project can be far more than you ever imagined

Let us learn about you, your land and environment, and how your pure form wants to emerge.

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